Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Hump Day, January 6, 2016

Today being Wednesday, hump day, I decided to go downtown to the American Girl doll store on Broadway and Granville. I never go on Jan 1 for the GOTY of the year reveal as I don't like crowds. The new doll for 2016 is Lea Clark, and at the astounding price of $164 Cdn not including tax, I won't be buying her anytime soon unless I sell a few dolls or get a job! That is an exorbitant price!!!
But I did buy the mini Lea for $40 which is also extremely high. She is very cute though.

I plan to have a few adventures with her in 2016, and I might make her a hut. Don't hold your breath though!
The cute little fruits and veggies and tropical animals were bought at Michael's craft store. They were only $5 a pkg.

While at Michael's I noticed a salesperson marking down the Springfield 18" dolls from $32 to only $10!
So Emma came home with me, as I can't resist a sale like that, not that I need another 18" doll.
I bought her cute bunny slippers for only $2.99.

Did I ever say how much I love a sale?
I plan to make each Wednesday in 2016 "Hump Day" and follow my nose and do something fun, unless of course I have a migraine. I did get the 2nd migraine of 2016 this afternoon after I was back home. It seems that too much fun isn't good for me. The first migraine was on Mon Jan 4.
Anyhow, it was a fun day.
By Loretta Houben


Simply Shelley said...

I have two AG minis. Elizabeth and Emily. The only AG dolls I own. I do have a My Life doll from Walmart. My daughter Regina has a OG doll from Target. I'm going to be weeding A LOT of my things this year,but I will always have some dolls to keep me company and bring me comfort. Do your dolls give you comfort Loretta? Mine do :) Happy New Year. I will try and remember our Christmas Club and post on my blog as well as Facebook. Blessings and Hugs from Texas, Shelley

Loretta said...

Hi Shelley; yes, my dolls bring me much comfort! They are always smiling; they never ever frown or are in a bad mood. Emma is standing near my desk, and she is really cute in person. The mini dolls are now close by and look so cute in their mini house. The AG mini dolls are very cute. Yes, it will be fun to do the Christmas Club! I look forward to your photos.

Anonymous said...

Oh, we are just getting our feet wet in the world of minis, my younger wants to just collect minis now. There is something about them, they are too cute for words!