Sunday, October 31, 2010


Halloween, 1968
Forty two years ago! This is the only picture I have of myself as a young girl, taken right after trick or treating on Monmouth Avenue. Look at our elaborate costumes! I'm the rabbit, Leona is the puppy, Marlene is Red Riding Hood. Our pumpkins are full. It didn't take long to fill them up, as the neighbours knew us and gave us little treat bags full of large sized chocolate bars, Tootsie Roll pops, sour candies and peanuts. Our neighbour to the right of us, Mrs. Simpson, gave us giant lollipops. Mrs. Sadie Ramslie across the street always gave us treat bags full of candy. There was one neighbour who always gave out wormy candy, so we learned to avoid them. We generally went out around 6:30, and it was usually quite cold and our masks would steam up with our breath. Our Dad always took us out, while our Mom handed out the treats at home. After going up both sides of Monmouth, we headed home, and knocked on our own door, and our Mom would give us a special bag full of treats. Around 8:00 our Dad would set off fireworks in the front yard and we'd watch from the living room window. I loved the Roman Rockets and funny little things called worms, which curled up and slowly burned on the sidewalk. Afterwards we'd go back out and hold sparklers, and then have hot chocolate and some of that delicious candy for a bedtime snack.
I've always loved Halloween.


Simply Shelley said...

Cute picture....happy memories too,I bet....blessings on your November...Shelley

Helen said...


You do have good memory of Halloween. Wasn't it nice you knew your neighbours so well.
Firework must have been such a treat after coming home with a pumpkin full of candies.