Monday, November 1, 2010

A marriage proposal 29 years ago today...Memory Monday

July 1981
Four months after this photo was taken, Robert proposed to me on Sunday, Nov 1, 1981, after evening church service, in his blue Volkswagen beetle, in Queen Elizabeth Park near the rose garden. It was a dark chilly night, and when he began talking and I realized what he was saying, including the fact he was looking for work and didn't have a job, I shrieked and said "I have the date picked out!" I think he was rather speechless after that. I was different back then; I didn't really ever worry about things like jobs! I just had a feeling that it would all work out, and 2 months before our date of April 3, 1982, Robert did get a full time job, and everything has more or less worked out happily ever after. God has truly blessed us, and I'm glad I said yes so many years ago.


Beansieleigh said...

Awww.. Loved your post today! ~tina

Helen said...

Hi Saying, "Yes" 29 year ago was the best decision. I don't know anyone more happy than you.
You truly are blessed with a wonderful life.

Celestial Charms said...

Lovely story, and beautiful photograph.