Thursday, April 9, 2009

Easter Photos from 1998 - 2000

April 4, 1999; Easter Sunday...Matthew and his basket, age 10.

Robert and Matthew, April 4, 1999. Easter Sunday and Robert's 40th birthday! (which is why Robert is in a porch picture!)

Loretta and Matthew; Easter Sunday, April 4th, 1999

Some of the clan on Easter Sunday, April 4, 1999: Matthew, Colin, Paul, Ashley

All of the clan...who knows why James is so unhappy?

Easter lunch at our house. (I don't have a picture of the adult table...maybe Robert's 40th birthday was too much for me?) April 4, 1999

Some of the clan...Easter, 1999 (the weird white line is my camera strap, alas)

Easter Sunday, April 23, 2000
Matthew and Loretta

Good Friday lunch at the Braun's home; April 21, 2000
Loretta Houben

1 comment:

Linda said...

James reminds me of someone else with a similar for the that age anything sets them off...I wonder what he would think of it now? LOL