Saturday, November 5, 2011

70 years ago...

The Williams Family: photo taken at the Naicum, SK train station in November 1941.
My grandparents are in back with a friend; my Dad is on the left with Glenys next to him, then Harry, with Audrey in the back.

It was seventy years ago, on November 6, 1941, that my Dad's family moved from Spalding, Saskatchewan to Vancouver BC.
I had fun interviewing my Dad last night about his memories of that time. He and his younger sister, Audrey, remembered when they stopped in Three Hills Alberta and spent the night in a hotel. The next day when they boarded the train again, they were very excited to see a large group of soldiers also boarding the train, enroute to Vancouver. I'm not sure where they went after Vancouver, as this was during WWII.
I'm in the process of digging into Dad's memories and will be posting more as I learn more.
Last night I talked to him for about one hour, and it felt like ten minutes!
I love Vancouver history.

By Loretta Houben

1 comment:

Celestial Charms said...

Hi Loretta,
Love this photograph!