Sunday, August 11, 2013

My spiritual birthday...40 years!

Today is a very special day of memory for me in my spiritual walk with Christ.
Most of you know I was raised in a Christian home and both my parents were Christians.
I was taken to Sunday School at age 3, and every Sunday afterwards.
When I grew older, I went to church and sometimes evening church.
I participated in Sunday School Christmas programs and enjoyed going to picnics etc.
I simply did what my parents did, until I reached the age of 13.
I began to think for myself, and a few weeks before High School began in Grade 8, I was alone in my bedroom I shared with Leona, reading a book on a hot summer Saturday afternoon. The rest of the family were outside or in the basement. I had borrowed the book from the church library, and it was about young people; I believe it was a "Danny Orlis" book, which was also a popular radio program on Christian radio each Saturday which we enjoyed listening to. 

In the story, one of the characters told her friend about Christ and asked if she was saved. The manner in which the story was written spoke to my heart and convicted me. My parents were Christians and lived a holy life, but I knew I was at the opposite end of the spectrum! I knew that if Christ returned or if I died that day, I wouldn't be ready for Heaven. I knew I was a sinner at the age of 13. I began to cry, and I knelt down beside my bed, asking Christ to forgive me and make me into a new person. I wished earnestly to live for Him. I said my little prayer, and believed I was saved.
Later that night while in bed, I prayed again, and a deep peace filled my soul. It's hard to believe that was 40 years ago! It's been a long way since then, but Jesus Christ has been my best friend through life's trials and blessings. The peace which passes all understanding has encompassed me throughout my life's journey this far. I honestly don't know where I'd be without Him as my good shepherd to lead and guide me.

The above photo was taken in March 1973, and is as close to what I looked like in August as I can find. I had a difficult time in High School, as all my elementary friends were separated from me in different classes, and it was difficult to make new friends. I was teased and bullied because of the way I dressed (hand me downs from cousins and the thrift stores) but somehow I believe God kept me and my character was strengthened through the trials. I'm grateful that I'm still walking with Him and he calls me by my name and I am His own.

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