Monday, January 12, 2009

Book I'm reading

This is a different subject. I'm currently reading "The Cater Street Hangman" by Anne Perry. I think it's the 3rd time I've read it. I have a wonderful un-photographic mind; I can re-read a book 10 times and never remember the details. I can remember the characters and scenes, but not necessarily the plot line. Isn't that handy?

I have quite a few of Anne Perry's Charlotte and Pitt novels. My sister in law Margaret got me started on them during those lovely summers when we'd vacation at her Metchosin cottage on the Island. Margaret had stacks and stacks of books, and I'd pluck one off the shelf and take it to the beach, and read for an hour or two, sprawled under the beach umbrella. 

Ooo...if I could only snap my fingers and be there right now! Well, not exactly right there, but back in time, in those golden summer days, when Matthew was a young boy and I helped him build sand castles, and he and his dad went rock climbing. Let's see if I can find a picture...or two...Hmmm...this was taken in 2005, the last time we were in Metchosin, as Margaret's job came to an end, and she had to move back to the mainland. I think I got off my topic!
Here is Matthew climbing on the rocks at Weir Beach, July 2004:
And here I am in beautiful Butchart Gardens on their 100th anniversary, July 2004:

By Loretta Houben

1 comment:

Betty said...

That place looks beautiful!

Enjoy your book. I sometimes keep a piece of paper handy when reading a book with a lot of characters. I can never keep them straight otherwise.