Sunday, January 11, 2009

Nota Bene

Do you know what "nota bene" means? It's a Latin phrase meaning "note well"; the NB used in notes. You learn something new every day. I learned this in church this morning. The younger pastor preached a very interesting sermon on 1 Timothy 4:1-10, the main point being that our faith which we confess is under constant attack. We need to give careful attention to both our life and our doctrine.
Some of the points in our bulletin were:
Things we must pay attention to: The certainty and the source of attacks on our faith. The variety and subtlety of false teaching.
Things we must put into practice: An attitude of gratitude. A consistent grounding in God's word. The pursuit of real world godliness. A confident hope in our Saviour alone.
His words were so helpful to me at the beginning of this new year of 2009. It was good to be back in church; due to illness and snow drifts I hadn't been in our church since Dec 7th! Afterwards we picked up my parents for lunch at our home; Matthew made his specialty pizza! For part of our dessert, Matthew used his mighty right fist and cracked the gingerbread house in two. He took the pieces home for his friends to eat. I tasted a bite and it was delicious, but I concentrated on the yummy cake we'd bought from Price Smart on Saturday. was a fun afternoon.
Here's a funny timed photo taken from the top of the fridge:

1 comment:

Betty said...

And you know what I noticed? You don't have Chattys in the dining room case anymore. Where did they go?