Friday, January 22, 2010

Signs of Spring in Vancouver BC!

Today I walked to the gym, wearing my spring jacket and no hat.
The air is positively balmy; around 12 C. We often have Januarys like this.
We love them, which is one of the main reasons we live in Vancouver.
I passed a row of daffodils getting ready to bloom. Amazing!
The photo on top shows a view of Mt. Seymour; the snow is quickly melting.
Here's a shot of the beautiful Lions mountains.
Yes, this is the view I can see as I walk to the gym.
Are you green with envy? It takes me 1/2 hour and is part of my routine.
I'm pleased to say I've lost 4 lbs this month, and I've been to the gym 5 times.
This is Scotia Bank, with it's controversial window display.
Vanoc says that it should come down, as they think it conflicts with the Olympic theme.
I disagree.
After eating a hearty lunch at a Japanese restaurant, (chicken and veggies and rice) I did banking errands, then walked through Sears. They have a marvelous warehouse sale on. The brown shoes on the right were $60.00 marked down to $12.99, and the green dress shoes were $44.99 marked down to $9.00! I couldn't resist that deal.


Ally said...

Good for you on losing weight. I've been to the gym 4 times a week and still managed to gain 30 lbs since last year :(

I can't imagine spring being here soon, but February flies and before we know it, March will be here!

Tales Of A Fourth Grade Nothing

Unknown said...

Isn't this just an awesome January. I've even had no coat and short sleeves on some days. Looking to the East we see our beauiful Mt. Baker and behind me up to the North, look at that Canadian mountain range. Lets hope we have enough snow for the Olympics!